Traditional Braces in Arcadia, CA

Traditional Braces in Arcadia, CA

Traditional braces, also known as metal braces, are a tried-and-true orthodontic treatment method that has been used for decades. These braces consist of brackets, wires, and bands that work together to gradually straighten your teeth over time.

The brackets are bonded to the front surface of each tooth using dental adhesive. They act as anchors for the wires, which pass through them and exert gentle pressure to move your teeth into their desired positions. The bands are placed around certain teeth to provide additional support if necessary.

The Process of Getting Traditional Braces

The process of getting traditional braces is a multi-step journey that begins with an initial consultation. During this consultation, our dentist in Arcadia, CA, will evaluate your teeth and bite to determine if braces are the right treatment for you. We may take X-rays or impressions of your teeth to assess the situation further.

Once it's been decided that you're a good candidate for traditional braces, the next step is to have them placed on your teeth. This typically involves cleaning and preparing your teeth, followed by the application of brackets using special dental cement. After the brackets are in place, an archwire is threaded through them and secured with elastic bands.

Over time, as you wear your braces, adjustments will need to be made to ensure that they are moving your teeth into their desired positions. These adjustments involve tightening or replacing the archwires and changing out elastic bands as needed. It's important to note that throughout this entire process, regular check-up appointments with our dentist will be necessary. These appointments allow them to monitor progress and make any necessary modifications or changes along the way.

Advantages of Traditional Braces

There are several advantages to opting for traditional braces when it comes to straightening your teeth and achieving a beautiful smile. They include:

  1. Effective Results: Traditional braces have been around for decades and have proven their effectiveness in correcting various dental issues. Whether you're dealing with crooked teeth, overcrowding, or bite problems, traditional braces can address these concerns and give you the desired outcome.
  2. Wide Range of Applications: Unlike other orthodontic treatments, traditional braces can be used to correct even the most complex dental issues. They are suitable for people of all ages and can effectively treat both minor and severe alignment problems.
  3. Affordable Option: When compared to alternative orthodontic options like clear aligners or lingual braces, traditional braces tend to be more budget-friendly. This makes them a popular choice among individuals looking for cost-effective yet reliable treatment.
  4. Durability: Traditional metal brackets and wires used in conventional braces are known for their durability and strength. They can withstand daily wear and tear without compromising their functionality.
  5. Customizable Look: Nowadays, there is no shortage of customization options available with traditional braces! You can choose from different colored bands that hold the wires together, allowing you to personalize your look during treatment.
  6. Thorough Treatment Monitoring: With traditional braces, the dentist has complete control over adjusting the pressure applied on each tooth throughout the treatment process.

Embrace the journey towards a straighter smile with confidence by exploring all available options – including traditional braces – under expert guidance. Your dream smile awaits! For the best dental care, visit Orthodontist in Arcadia CA or Orthodontist in Long Beach, CA - Dr. Nashed's office at 45 E Foothill Blvd, Arcadia, CA 91006. You may also call us at (626) 294-9119.

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Arcadia, CA

45 E Foothill Blvd, Arcadia, CA 91006


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Office Hours

  • MON9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • TUE9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • WED9:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI8:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • SAT7:30 am - 1:00 pm
  • SUNClosed
(626) 294-9119

Long Beach, CA

4200 E Pacific Coast Highway Suite 100, Long Beach, CA 90804


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Office Hours

  • MON9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • TUE9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • WED9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • THU9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • FRIClosed
  • SAT7:30 am - 1:00 pm
  • SUNClosed
(562) 498-5788